1. SiW-Mv2 Dataset

    SiW-Mv2 dataset contains 14 spoof types spanning from typical print and replay attack, to various masks, impersonation makeup and physical material coverings. SiW-Mv2 has the largest variance in terms of the spoof pattern, each of these patterns are designated and verified by the IARPA project. For example, obfuscation makeup and ...

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    Keywords: Face antispoofing

  2. Detection of Digital Face Manipulation Source Code

    The prevalence of facial recognition, biometric unlock, and social media presents a significant opportunity for bad actors to introduce forged or manipulated images to spread false information or damage reputations. This is aided by the continuing improvement in realistic image synthesis and manipulation by generative adversarial network, GAN, based methods ...

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    Keywords: Image Manipulation

  3. DFFD: Diverse Fake Face Dataset

    The prevalence of facial recognition, biometric unlock, and social media presents a significant opportunity for bad actors to introduce forged or manipulated images to spread false information or damage reputations. This is aided by the continuing improvement in realistic image synthesis and manipulation by generative adversarial network, GAN, based methods ...

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    Keywords: Image Manipulation

  4. Generic Object Anti-Spoofing Source Code

    Biometric recognition is increasingly used in society for commercial applications and high-level security. However, recent works are not generalizable between the biometric modalities. We use live and spoof videos of generic objects to model the noise patterns for camera sensors and spoof mediums, and synthesize seen and unseen combinations of ...

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    Keywords: Face antispoofing

  5. Frontal View Gait(FVG) Database

    To facilitate gait recognition research, we collect the Front-View Gait (FVG) database in the course of two years, 2017 and 2018. To better protect the privacy of the subjects, we create a version of the database called FVG-B where the face area is blurred to the extent that state-of-the-art face ...

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    Keywords: Gait Recognition

  6. SiW: Spoof in the Wild Database

    With the advance of sensor technology, existing antispoofing systems can be vulnerable to emerging high-quality spoof mediums. One way to make the system robust to these attacks is to collect new high-quality databases. In response to this need, we collect a new face anti-spoofing database named Spoof in the Wild ...

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    Keywords: Face antispoofing

  7. PIFA Source Code

    Dense Face Alignment implementation may be downloaded from here.

    Pose-Invariant Face Alignment with a Single CNN implementation may be downloaded from here.

    PIFA implementation may be downloaded from here.

    The part of AFLW database used for training and testing can be found from here.

    If you use PIFA code, please ...

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    Keywords: Face alignment

  8. Typing Behavior Dataset

    This dataset is released in two different forms. Acoustics: 45 subjects from phase 1. Visual: Full dataset. Typing Behavior Dataset may be downloaded from here.

    We collect a first-of-its kind keystroke database in two phases. Phase 1 includes 56 subjects typing multiple same day, fixed and free text, sessions. It ...

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    Keywords: Typing behavior