3D Face Modeling | 3D Human Reconstruction | 3D Object Detection | 3D Shape Correspondence | 3D Shape Generation | 3D Shape Reconstruction | Activity Recognition | Application | Biometrics | Body Matching | Camera Calibration | Camera+LiDAR+Radar | Data Imputation | Database | DeepFake | Depth Completion | Depth Prediction | Domain Adaptation | Expression Recognition | Face Alignment | Face Antispoofing | Face Deidentification | Face Recognition | Face Reconstruction | Face Relighting | Face Synthesis | Forecasting | Gait Recognition | Generic Object 3D Reconstruction | Image Alignment | Image Manipulation | Image Segmentation | Low-level Vision | Medical Imaging | Motion Compensation | Multi-modality | Multimedia Retrieval | Object Detection | Pedestrian Detection | Person Re-identification | Plant Vision | Semantic Segmentation | Surveillance | Tracking | Typing Behavior | Vision-language


  1. summary image

    Recurrent Flow-Guided Semantic Forecasting

    Adam M. Terwilliger, Garrick Brazil, Xiaoming Liu

    Understanding the world around us and making decisions about the future is a critical component to human intelligence. As autonomous systems continue to develop, their ability to reason about the future will be the key to their success. Semantic anticipation is a relatively under-explored area for which autonomous vehicles could ...

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    Keywords: Forecasting, Semantic Segmentation, Image Segmentation


  • Recurrent Flow-Guided Semantic Forecasting
    Adam M. Terwilliger, Garrick Brazil, Xiaoming Liu
    Proc. IEEE Winter Conference on Application of Computer Vision (WACV 2019), Hawaii, Jan. 2019
    Bibtex | PDF | arXiv | Poster | Project Webpage | Code
  • @inproceedings{ recurrent-flow-guided-semantic-forecasting,
      author = { Adam M. Terwilliger and Garrick Brazil and Xiaoming Liu },
      title = { Recurrent Flow-Guided Semantic Forecasting },
      booktitle = { Proc. IEEE Winter Conference on Application of Computer Vision },
      address = { Hawaii },
      month = { January },
      year = { 2019 },