We have collected a multi-modality plant imagery database named “MSU-PID” including two types of plants: Arabidopsis and bean. It is captured using four types of imaging sensors:fluorescence, infrared(IR), RGB color, and depth. The imaging setup and the variety of manual labels allow MSU-PID to be used for a diverse set of plant image analysis applications, such as leaf segmentation, leaf counting, leaf alignment, and leaf tracking.

We have provided detailed leaf counter and tip labeling as shown below.

Leaf Labeling Tool

We have developed a MATLAB tool for leaf labeling as shown below. The source code has been released.

Multi-modality Imagery Database (MSU-PID)

The database can be downloaded from here. It includes three parts:

  1. all images and their labels
  2. the leaf labeling tool
  3. the Matlab implementations for performance evaluation

Please cite the following paper if you use this database: