3D Face Modeling | 3D Human Reconstruction | 3D Object Detection | 3D Shape Correspondence | 3D Shape Generation | 3D Shape Reconstruction | Activity Recognition | Application | Biometrics | Body Matching | Camera Calibration | Camera+LiDAR+Radar | Data Imputation | Database | DeepFake | Depth Completion | Depth Prediction | Domain Adaptation | Expression Recognition | Face Alignment | Face Antispoofing | Face Deidentification | Face Recognition | Face Reconstruction | Face Relighting | Face Synthesis | Forecasting | Gait Recognition | Generic Object 3D Reconstruction | Image Alignment | Image Manipulation | Image Segmentation | Low-level Vision | Medical Imaging | Motion Compensation | Multi-modality | Multimedia Retrieval | Object Detection | Pedestrian Detection | Person Re-identification | Plant Vision | Semantic Segmentation | Surveillance | Tracking | Typing Behavior | Vision-language
Joint Multi-Leaf Segmentation, Alignment, and Tracking from Fluorescence Plant Videos
Xi Yin, Xiaoming Liu, Jin Chen, David M. Kramer
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 40, No. 6, pp.1411-1423, , Jul. 2017
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Multi-Leaf Tracking from Fluorescence Plant Videos
Xi Yin, Xiaoming Liu, Jin Chen, David M. Kramer
In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2014), Paris, France, Oct. 2014 (Top 10% Paper Award)
Bibtex | PDF | Project Webpage
Gradient Feature Selection for Online Boosting
Xiaoming Liu, Ting Yu
Proc. International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2007), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Oct. 2007
Bibtex | PDF
Model Based Human Motion Tracking
Xiaoming Liu, Yueting Zhuang, Yunhe Pan
Journal Computer Research & Development, Vol. 36, No. 10, pp.1268-1273, , Oct. 1999 (in Chinese)
Bibtex -
Video Based Human Animation Technique
Xiaoming Liu, Tsuhan Chen
Proc. 7th ACM International Multimedia Conference (Multimedia 1999), Orlando, Florida, Oct. 1999
Bibtex | PDF -
Video Motion Capture Using Feature Tracking and Skeleton Reconstruction
Yueting Zhuang, Xiaoming Liu, Yunhe Pan
Proc. International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 1999), Kobe, Japan, Oct. 1999
Bibtex | PDF -
Video Based Human Motion Capture
Xiaoming Liu, Yueting Zhuang, Yi Wu, Yunhe Pan
Proc. IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP 1999), Copenhagen, Denmark, Sep. 1999