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Domain Adaptation

  1. summary image

    Joint Pixel and Feature-Level Domain Adaptation for Recognition in the Wild

    Luan Tran, Kihyuk Sohn, Xiang Yu, Xiaoming Liu, Manmohan Chandraker

    Recent developments in deep domain adaptation have allowed knowledge transfer from a labeled source domain to an unlabeled target domain at the level of intermediate features and input pixels. We propose that advantages may be derived by jointly investigating the two, in the form of different level insights that lead ...

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    Keywords: Domain Adaptation


  • Rethinking Domain Generalization for Face Anti-spoofing: Separability and Alignment
    Yiyou Sun, Yaojie Liu, Xiaoming Liu, Yixuan Li, Wen-Sheng Chu
    In Proceeding of IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2023), Vancouver, Canada, Jun. 2023
    Bibtex | arXiv
  • @inproceedings{ rethinking-domain-generalization-for-face-anti-spoofing-separability-and-alignment,
      author = { Yiyou Sun and Yaojie Liu and Xiaoming Liu and Yixuan Li and Wen-Sheng Chu },
      title = { Rethinking Domain Generalization for Face Anti-spoofing: Separability and Alignment },
      booktitle = { In Proceeding of IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition },
      address = { Vancouver, Canada },
      month = { June },
      year = { 2023 },


  • Multi-domain Learning for Updating Face Anti-spoofing Models
    Xiao Guo, Yaojie Liu, Anil Jain, Xiaoming Liu
    In Proceeding of European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2022), Tel-Aviv, Israel, Oct. 2022 (Oral presentation)
    Bibtex | PDF | arXiv | Supplemental | Code
  • @inproceedings{ multi-domain-learning-for-updating-face-anti-spoofing-models,
      author = { Xiao Guo and Yaojie Liu and Anil Jain and Xiaoming Liu },
      title = { Multi-domain Learning for Updating Face Anti-spoofing Models },
      booktitle = { In Proceeding of European Conference on Computer Vision },
      address = { Tel-Aviv, Israel },
      month = { October },
      year = { 2022 },


  • Gotta Adapt ’Em All: Joint Pixel and Feature-Level Domain Adaptation for Recognition in the Wild
    Luan Tran, Kihyuk Sohn, Xiang Yu, Xiaoming Liu, Manmohan Chandraker
    In Proceeding of IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2019), Long Beach, CA, Jun. 2019
    Bibtex | PDF | arXiv | Supplemental | Poster | Project Webpage
  • @inproceedings{ gotta-adapt-em-all-joint-pixel-and-feature-level-domain-adaptation-for-recognition-in-the-wild,
      author = { Luan Tran and Kihyuk Sohn and Xiang Yu and Xiaoming Liu and Manmohan Chandraker },
      title = { Gotta Adapt ’Em All: Joint Pixel and Feature-Level Domain Adaptation for Recognition in the Wild },
      booktitle = { In Proceeding of IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition },
      address = { Long Beach, CA },
      month = { June },
      year = { 2019 },