@incollection{ video-analytics-for-force-protection,
author = { Peter Tu and Glen Brooksby and Gianfranco Doretto and Donald Hamilton and Nils Krahnstoever and J. Brandon Laflen and Xiaoming Liu and Kedar Patwardhan and Thomas Sebastian and Yan Tong and Jilin Tu and Frederick Wheeler and Christopher Wynnyk and Yi Yao and Ting Yu },
title = { Video Analytics for Force Protection },
in book chapter of = { Distributed Video Sensor Networks },
publisher = { Springer-Verlag },
editor = { B. Bhanu, C.V. Ravishankar, A.K. Roy-Chowdhury, H. Aghajan, D. Terzopoulos },
year = { 2011 },
pages = { 405--425 },
@inproceedings{ lpsm-fitting-shape-model-by-linear-programming,
author = { Jilin Tu and Brandon Laflen and Xiaoming Liu and Musodiq Bello and Jens Rittscher and Peter Tu },
title = { LPSM: Fitting Shape Model by Linear Programming },
booktitle = { Proc. Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition },
address = { Santa Barbara, California },
month = { March },
year = { 2011 },