


  • Multi-modality Imagery Database for Plant Phenotyping
    Jeffrey Cruz, Xi Yin, Xiaoming Liu, Saif Imran, Daniel Morris, David Kramer, Jin Chen
    Machine Vision and Applications, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp.735-749, , Jul. 2016 (equal contribution by first two authors)
    Bibtex | PDF | Project Webpage
  • @article{ multi-modality-imagery-database-for-plant-phenotyping,
      author = { Jeffrey Cruz and Xi Yin and Xiaoming Liu and Saif Imran and Daniel Morris and David Kramer and Jin Chen },
      title = { Multi-modality Imagery Database for Plant Phenotyping },
      journal = { Machine Vision and Applications },
      volume = { 27 },
      number = { 5 },
      month = { July },
      year = { 2016 },
      pages = { 735--749 },